Louis Moresi Geodynamicist and Computational Modeller at the Australian National University. Geo★ Down Under evangelist and editor. 25 posts
Hrvoje Tkalčić I use seismology and mathematical geophysics tools to understand the internal workings of our planet. You can think of these tools together as of an internal telescope for imaging Earth's interior. 14 posts
Geo ★ Down Under Contributors Articles with additional contributing co-authors are tagged with this co-authorship. Please read each article for a full list of additional contributors and their contact information. 12 posts
Meghan S. Miller My research is on seismology for understanding the structural and dynamical evolution of the Earth and to solve outstanding questions in plate tectonics. 11 posts
Mike Sandiford A geologist fascinated by the remarkable planet we inhabit. He works on landscapes, mountains and earth energetics, and is increasingly interested in the relationship between people and the planet. 4 posts
Brian Kennett Brian Kennett AO FAA FRS is Emeritus Professor of Seismology at ANU. Ph.D Theoretical Seismology, Cambridge. Lindemann Fellow at UC San Diego and Lecturer at Cambridge. He moved to Australia in 1984. 3 posts
Tim Rawling Tim is the CEO of AuScope which is the NCRIS capability responsible for supporting the earth and geospatial science community in Australia. Tim is a structural geologist and 3D modeller. 3 posts
Brendan Duffy Brendan is a geologist with varied interests including regional tectonics, earthquake and engineering geology in the Banda region, Australia and New Zealand 2 posts
Rhodri Davies I develop and integrate state-of-the-art tools that simulate mantle and lithosphere dynamics, with observational datasets, to understand mantle dynamics and its expression at Earth's surface. 2 posts
Tim Jones Geodynamicist studying the evolution of our planet. I also think about how we can turn the microscope around to improve science itself. 1 post
Adam Pascale Seismologist with 30 years experience in local earthquake monitoring. Focus on design of seismic hardware and data analysis software. Science communicator for public, news & social media audiences. 1 post
Samuel C Boone A research fellow in the University of Melbourne Thermochronology Research Group, studying the tectono-thermal evolution of Earth's crust. 1 post
Peter Betts I am Professor of Structural Geophysics in the School of EAE at Monash University and the Associate Dean Graduate Research in the Faculty of Science. I am currently the President of the GSA. 1 post
Sara Morón My research focuses on understanding the dynamics of sedimentary systems, including ocean-land interactions, river network evolution and tectonic and climatic interactions. 1 post