Research School of Earth Sciences Seminars Online

The ANU Research School of Earth Sciences is moving all seminars online for the duration of the corona virus emergency

The Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) at the Australian National University is one of the world’s premier research institutions in the Earth and Marine Sciences. The seminar series is the central focus of the School’s activities and typically attracts top researchers from Australia and around the world. Researchers from the school also give “perspectives” talks for a broad audience.

In March 2020, the ANU moved to an online campus and so did the RSES seminar series. Seminars are now distributed virtually via zoom ( at the traditional time of 1pm Thursdays (Canberra time). The definitive schedule is published on the RSES seminar web site and through

How to watch and listen live

Anyone is welcome to attend the zoom session live at with the password "jaeger"

Please be aware of the seminar / zoom etiquette:

  • All seminars are moderated by the seminar convenors* and everyone who participates live is expected to be polite and respectful.
  • Anyone joining will be automatically muted for the duration of the seminar.
  • The chat room will be open for comments during the seminar.
  • Seminars are typically recorded — this includes comments made in the chat room and may include any participant’s video feed.
  • Questions can be submitted via chat or by “raising your hand” and waiting for the moderator to unmute your audio.
  • Question time is usually limited and questions raised via chat may be answered later by the speaker.

How to watch and listen later

Recorded seminars are available through the RSES youTube channel. It may take us a day or two to upload the talk.

Seminar Convenors

If you would like to give feedback or would like to nominate a speaker, please contact the seminar convenors at


RSES seminars with Zoom
Here are some notes on the way we have been trying to run the school seminars (with an eye to making sure that we do not get unwanted visitors).


Louis Moresi

Geodynamicist and Computational Modeller at the Australian National University. Geo★ Down Under evangelist and editor.